Branding / Logo / Graphic

プロジェクトマネジメントの領域を発展させ、よりクリエイティブなプロジェクト創出、スキルセットの確立を目指し、「誰もが必要な時に、必要な変化を生み出せる世の中をつくりたい」というビジョンのもと、プロジェクトに携わる仲間が集い、学び合い、“善い“プロジェクトを増やすコミュニティとして発足されたGood Project Associationさまのロゴデザインを担当しました。
The Good Project Association was established as a community where people involved in projects can get together, learn from each other and increase the number of “good” projects, with the vision of “creating a world where everyone can create the necessary change when it is necessary”. We designed the logo for the Good Project Association, which was established as a community to increase the number of “good” projects.
The symbol mark uses the thumbs-up “I like” hand sign as a motif, with many “I like” spreading in all directions like fireworks, lightly expressing the moment when many good projects are born through the activities of the GPA, and symbolising the chain-like expansion of the circle of friends. The symbol mark also represents the chain-like expansion of the circle of friends. The symbol colour is green in the hope that the various projects will progress in an “all-green” manner (i.e. without any abnormalities).
Art Direction, Design: Tomoya Wakasugi
Client: Good Project Association(